Nothing is Private Anymore
Both of these pictures were pulled from my Facebook, which is set as private, but it really isn't. Clearly one picture is more professional than the other. Everything that you put out on social media can come back to haunt you in the future. Even though I have outgrown using a webcam to take profile pictures, that picture will forever be out there.
Growing up my parents told me that I needed to keep everything very professional or risk having my future negatively impacted. From a very young age I was terrified that every little thing I put out there would come back and keep me from getting a job, or getting into college, or something worse. These things are extreme circumstances, but you still need to be aware about what you are putting out there about yourself.
Since I began college at Appalachian State University I have gained so much in terms of what is acceptable online and what isn't. One article that I have found to be very helpful is this. In this article it touches on the main mistakes people make on social media that could cost them a job. I have made mistakes, who hasn't? But luckily my mistakes were when I was much younger, and not devastating mistakes. Each thing you put out there is there forever, and builds a more effective picture of who you are.
We had a lecture in class the other day where it was really clear that nothing is private any more. That VIC card you get for discounts on groceries is used to collect data about your purchases and relay it to so many different companies. Going forward you simply need to be aware that everything you post, tweet, share and like is building your online presence, and once a mistake is made it is very hard to correct.