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What Role Do Sports Play in Politics?

I have always been an athlete. I played several sports in high school, as well as intramurals in college. It is something that very clearly brings people together, but it is often times used for things besides that.

Something that has been a hot topic for such a long time now has been HB2. Recently they repealed this bill, but only solved certain parts of the restrictions that the bill put into effect. In this article on CNN it discusses several of the impacts that the repeal of the bill will have for North Carolina.

One in particular that stands out to me is the impact that the repeal of the bill will have on NCAA basketball. The NCAA basketball championships were moved out of the state of North Carolina as consequence of HB2 initially. When they repealed HB2 I was initially so excited. I didn't car why the did it, simply that it had been removed. Now taking a bigger look at what was done I truly believe that NCAA sports had a larger impact in politics than they should have. There should be a clear delineation between sports and politics, but this is not always the case. Only time will tell as to what will happen in the future, but although some progress was made, most likely the reasoning behind the removal of HB2 had something to do with NCAA basketball. Hopefully in the future these changes will be made for the good of all poeple, not for the good of the NCAA.

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